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Model structure

What is GEES?

  • A flexible, modular framework rather than a single, set-in-stone model

  • Practical scenario builder based on DSGE foundations

  • Emphasis on integrating a range of real and financial economy aspects, not on deep sectoral disaggregation

  • Pragmatic features to introduce real-world regularities

  • Balanced growth path

  • Ease of operation and judgmental adjustments

Key modules

Module Brief description
Demography Population and labor force
Households Household decisions
Local production Supply side for local markets
Monetary policy Monetary policy reaction function
Fiscal policy Fiscal budget, outlays, and receipts
Export, import, and BOP Export produciton, import aggregation, and BOP
Commodities Global commodity supply
Trade linkages Bilateral international linkages in goods and services
Financial linkages Bilateral international linkages in equity finance