Fiscal policy
$$ \newcommand{\tsum}{\textstyle\sum} \newcommand{\extern}[1]{\mathrm{\mathbf{{#1}}}} \newcommand{\local}{\mathrm{local}} \newcommand{\roc}[1]{\overset{\scriptsize\Delta}{#1{}}} \newcommand{\ss}{\mathrm{ss}} \newcommand{\aa}{\mathrm{aa}} \newcommand{\bb}{\mathrm{bb}} \newcommand{\E}{\mathrm{E}} \newcommand{\ref}{{\mathrm{ref}}} \newcommand{\blog}{\mathbf{log}\ } \newcommand{\bmax}{\mathbf{max}\ } \newcommand{\bDelta}{\mathbf{\Delta}} \newcommand{\bPi}{\mathbf{\Pi}} \newcommand{\bU}{\mathbf{U}} \newcommand{\newl}{\\[8pt]} \newcommand{\betak}{\mathit{zk}} \newcommand{\betay}{\mathit{zy}} \newcommand{\gg}{\mathrm{gg}} \newcommand{\tsum}{\textstyle{\sum}} \newcommand{\xnf}{\mathit{nf}} \newcommand{\ratio}[2]{\Bigl[\textstyle{\frac{#1}{#2}}\Bigr]} \newcommand{\unc}{\mathrm{unc}} \notag $$
The government controls the following fiscal policy quantities
Government debt placed in local currency, \(dg_t\)
Government consumption, \(cg_t\)
Two types of lump-sum taxes, \(tx1_t\) and \(tx2_t\)
Import tariffs, \(txm_t\)
Household behavior (utility function) modified to induce
Fiscal crowding-in in the short run
Fiscal crowding-out in the long run
Dynamic fiscal budget
Government debt issued in local-currency, \(\xdg_t\)
Government expenditures on goods and services
Real government consumption, \(cg_t\)
Government type 1 lump-sum taxes
Type 1 lump-sum taxes, \(\mathit{tx}1_t\)
Government type 2 lump-sum taxes
Type 2 lump-sum taxes, \(\mathit{tx}2_t\)
Import tariffs
Import tariff rate, \(trm_t\)
GEES Fiscal policy module
Define quantities
"Government debt interest rate" rg
"Government consumption" cg
"Government debt to GDP ratio" dg_to_ngdp
"Net lump-sum tax 1 to consumption ratio" txls1_to_nc
"Net lump-sum tax 2 to consumption ratio" txls2_to_nc
"Government consumption, Y/Y" roc_cg
"Import tariff rate" trm
!log-variables !all-but
txls1_to_nc, txls2_to_nc, dg_to_ngdp, trm
!parameters(:fiscal :steady)
"S/S Government debt to GDP ratio !! $\tratio{\mathit{dg}}{\mathit{ngdp}}_\ss$" ss_dg_to_ngdp
"S/S Government consumption to GDP ratio !! $\tratio{\mathit{ncg}}{\mathit{ngdp}}_\ss$" ss_ncg_to_ngdp
"S/S General import tariff rate !! $\mathit{trm}_\ss$" ss_trm
!parameters(:fiscal :dynamic)
"Response in government consumption to government debt !! $\tau_\mathit{cg}$" tau_cg
"Response in type 1 lump-sum tax rate to government debt !! $\tau_{\mathit{txls},1}$" tau_txls1
"Autoregression in government consumption !! $\rho_\mathit{cg}$" rho_cg
"Autoregression in type 1 lump-sum tax rate !! $\rho_{\mathit{txls},1}$" rho_txls1
"Autoregression in type 2 lump-sum tax rate !! $\rho_{\mathit{txls},2}$" rho_txls2
"Autoregression in generate import tariff rate !! $\rho_\mathit{trm}$" rho_trm
"Shock to government consumption" shk_cg
"Shock to type 1 lump-sum taxes" shk_txls1
"Shock to type 2 lump-sum taxes" shk_txls2
"Shock to general import tariff rate" shk_trm
Define equations
rg = r;
"Dynamic fiscal budget constraint"
dg_to_ngdp*ngdp = ...
+ rg{-1}*dg_to_ngdp{-1}*ngdp{-1} ...
+ pc*cg ...
- (txls1_to_nc + txls2_to_nc) * pc*ch ...
- (pmm - fob_pmm) * mm;
"Fiscal reaction function for government consumption"
log(cg) = ...
+ rho_cg * log(cg{-1}*&roc_cg) ...
+ (1 - rho_cg) * log(ss_ncg_to_ngdp*ngdp/pc) ...
- tau_cg * (dg_to_ngdp{+1} - ss_dg_to_ngdp) ...
+ shk_cg ...
!! pc*cg = ss_ncg_to_ngdp*ngdp;
"Fiscal reaction function for type 1 net lump-sum taxes"
txls1_to_nc = ...
+ rho_txls1 * txls1_to_nc{-1} ...
+ (1-rho_txls1) * &txls1_to_nc ...
+ tau_txls1 * (dg_to_ngdp{+1} - ss_dg_to_ngdp) ...
+ shk_txls1 ...
!! dg_to_ngdp = ss_dg_to_ngdp;
"Fiscal reaction function for type 2 net lump-sum taxes"
txls2_to_nc = ...
+ rho_txls2*txls2_to_nc{-1} ...
+ shk_txls2 ...
!! txls2_to_nc = 0;
"Fiscal reaction function for import tariffs rate"
trm = ...
+ rho_trm * trm{-1} ...
+ (1 - rho_trm) * ss_trm ...
+ shk_trm ...
!! trm = ss_trm;