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Baseline calibration of global parameters

$$ \newcommand{\ss}{\mathrm{ss}} \newcommand{\gg}{\mathrm{gg}} \newcommand{\tratio}[2]{\left[{#1}\,\middle/{#2}\right]} \newcommand{\roc}[1]{\overset{\scriptsize\Delta}{#1{}}} $$

Name Math Value Description
gg_ss_roc_a \(\roc{a}^\gg_\ss\) 1.02 S/S Global productivity trend, Rate of change
gg_ss_roc_nt \(\roc{\mathit{nt}}^\gg_\ss\) 1.01 S/S Global population trend, Rate of change
gg_ss_zk \(\mathit{zk}^\gg_\ss\) 0.9 S/S Global uncertainty discount factor on capital
gg_ss_zy \(\mathit{zy}^\gg_\ss\) 1 S/S Global uncertainty discount factor on production cash flows
gg_ss_dmm \(\mathit{dmm}^\gg_\ss\) 1 S/S Global disruption to non-commodity trade
gg_nu \(\nu^\gg\) -0.0505425 Global intercept in Euler equation
Name Math Value Description
gg_rho_a \(\rho_a^\gg\) 0.5 A/R in global productivity trend
gg_rho_nt \(\rho_\mathit{nt}^\gg\) 0.9 A/R in global population trend
gg_rho_zk \(\rho_\mathit{zk}^\gg\) 0.9 A/R in uncertainty discount factor on capital
gg_rho_zy \(\rho_\mathit{zy}^\gg\) 0.9 A/R in uncertainty discount factor on production cash flows
gg_rho_dmm \(\rho_\mathit{dmm}^\gg\) 0.5 A/R Global disruption to non-commodity trade

Global commodity supply: Dynamic parameters

Name Math Value Description
gg_iota_1 \(\iota_1^\gg\) 0.2 Excess demand elasticity of commodity prices
gg_rho_qq \(\rho_\mathit{qq}^\gg\) 0.8 A/R Long-run trend in commodity supply